
Seveso e sicurezza funzionale. Requisiti del D.Lgs. 105/2015 e della IEC 61511 - On demand

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Sig. Luca Fiorentini

Luca Fiorentini is an internationally recognized expert in the field of industrial, process safety and fire engineering. Certified Fire & Gas Professional (Exida FGP n. UK 170412009 / 2017), Certified Functional Safety Professional (Exida CFSP n. 101206 009), Alarm Management Practitioner (IEC 62682 - ISA 18.2), Automation Cybersecurity Professional (Exida CSP - IEC 62443 Process Industry). Executive Director and Owner of TECSA S.r.l. since december 2019 he is also Principal Engineer of Exida L.L.C. company (www.exida.com). Exida, founded in 1999 by several of the world's top reliability and safety experts, exida is the world’s leading product certification and knowledge company specializing in automation system safety, alarm management, cybersecurity and availability.